Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bonding With Nature

Hi Guys...

Yoo... I am very happy that I bought a book called "The book of Nature" by Ruskin Bond. For the last few months I wanted to buy a book by Ruskin Bond. I have studied many short stories in school. So, whenever I used to go to book store I always wanted to buy one of Ruskin Bond's book at least one book.....Today since morning I was thinking about nature ...and the evening I bought a book as well..same on nature...It tell about Bond's bonding with nature..I must confess that I loved the cover...hope that I'll love the book as well :-)

Sharing the image of cover page here so that you can also feel greeny-greeny :))

1 comment:

defining amy said...

Thank you so much for your comment. Your thoughts are so profound, and I too believe that love can be felt as easily through older people as it can through children. I would absolutely love to visit India. It would be a dream come true to be where Mother Theresa was. Have a wonderful day.