Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tought for the Day

"Sometimes facts are stranger than fiction.Every second has power to change your life"

Plastic Smile Please!!

When someone is wearing a plastic smile, he or she appear to be happier with a situation or events than they actually are. This is actually a description of the forced smile you might see in almost every face these days.

I have been observing a lot of people around me for the last few days and I am quickly able to identify the fake smile and believe me its so funny when you say yuk! again the same fake smile on the face.

I read a poem when I was in Ninth standard (almost 8-9 years back), I don't remember the poet or entire poem now. In the poem the poet was asked by child to teach how to smile? At that time I did not comprehend the poem..but thank God! Now, I figured out what he wanted to say and what was that poem all about.

I confess that even I also put a plastic smile these days and the frequency has seems to be increased, in the last few months!! May be, b'coz I am working in corporate sector or may be something else....but I am sure very soon this plastic smile gonna take over my real smile....I am afraid that one day I would forget the real smile...I wish to go back to my school days when I could always put real smile, where I had freedom to react....But yes..I ll not forget the plastic one..and in the world of text smiles I will never forget to :-). I think in some sense this (text) smile is more real. What's say?

But, whether it plastic smile or real smile or :) need to smile to live and to show the world "All is well".

So frenz,
Smile Please : ) [Real one please] :)